Thursday, June 2, 2011

.New Day.

Go to this link and listen to this me its worth it. Just listen to the words. I just love this song. I can listen to it over and over again and never get sick of it.

I lay all the burdens down. Today is a new day. How amazing is it that we can start over new each day? Each day we can choose joy. We can choose peace. We can choose love. We can choose Him.

I realized that the title of my blog is "LibbieLoves" and because of that..  each time I blog I want to end it with listing/writing about one thing that I love. Whether its random or not..I decided I want to do that..I dont know who are reading these blogs, but I dont mind. Its  mostly for me get off my chest the things I ponder in my heart and mind...


until next time.

I love:  The Sun. I love when it shines on my face and skin after Ive had a sleepless night or when the rainy days seem like a million days in a row...and I hope it comes out for my birthday!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

.I and will.

I mess up. I think I'm strong, but I give in. I want what I can't have. I think about the what if's. I replay in my head the failures Ive committed.

Why is this my primary response? Am I too negative? Am I being negative..about being negative?

Its the normal process of being human. Right? But then I ask myself, whats "normal"..who gets to decide that?

In that shame, I cant look at myself in the mirror. I see myself less than what I should, but I cant help it. My heart is torn. My mind says one thing, my heart says another. Fool that I am. 

I slowly place the stones that build a wall...that snuff out the gift to feel pain, sorrow or grief. I avoid it. But when that wall is knocked down..where there is ruin..there can only be rebuilding..

I give up fighting. I turn to the Father. He knows I'm sorry, but I repeat it again. I ask him.."What do you say about me?" 

You say, "... I am here. I am with you. I hear you. I see you. I say you are my daughter, you are mine. I am yours. I forgive you."

That is simply, all I need to hear from Abba.

I wont hesitate, I will look up, I will take one step forward.

Friday, May 27, 2011

.Heart Cry.

My heart aches when I think about those summer days
We were so happy, so filled with joy
but you ended up being....."that boy"

I gave you so much--deeper than my heart could go..even out of the overflow
I chose to love you in the mess, but you chose that it's not "whats best"
Now as I try to get over you..most days it's still so blue
Please forgive me, as I forgive you


I'm moving on to learn and grow..
and it'll start over like winter snow..

I let go..Oh I let go.

I will wait on you Lord, I will wait.

Monday, May 23, 2011

.New Beginnings.

So. I had a blog awhile ago..and decided to delete it and  start over fresh.


Here it is.

I am Libbie. I am worthy. I have dreams, goals, and hopes. I have purpose.

It took me a long time to actually believe that for myself.

It took me moving away for a short 3 months (which seemed like eternity) to finally rest in knowing that God has a plan and a purpose for my life. No matter where Im at, No matter what Im doing, my IDENTITY is in God alone.

That's my "New Beginnings" Simple. I think its a good place to start, don't ya think?